J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership Limited
Standard Terms and Conditions – applicable to colleges, schools and other educational institutions (for Overseas Students see at bottom of this section) – for Direct Students please see our Terms & Conditions in the Training Courses section of our website. For the HIRE of our B737 Aviation & Training facilities please see nearer the bottom of this page.VAT Reg. No: GB 817 4846 05
1. All programmes booked between a college or institution and J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership (J.A.R.E. ATP) are subject to these terms and conditions. Once booked, either in writing or verbally and agreed, the payment of all costs invoiced become payable for the range of Aviation programmes we offer + Airline Practical Activity Days and Airport Practical Activity Days, Aviation Experience OR other awarding body airline programmes, by the due date on each invoice – late payment could result in a cancellation of each programme and/or Assessment Day(s). This term also includes other HIRE of our facilities for alternative programme options. In addition all Purchases and/or Hire of Airline Seating and/or Equipment are subject, where appropriate to these terms and conditions. Please note that these terms do not relate to SEP Training Days or Sessiuons or UPS sessions – plesase refer to this page of our website: https://www.jare-atp.co.uk/college-training-days/tcs/.
2. All costs agreed must be paid immediately in full & promptly on the due dates on all invoices, usually via a Pro Forma Invoice – late payment may result in penalty interest charged at 3% over Barclays Bank plc base rate. JARE ATP reserves the right to “Factor” its invoices and will therefore assign the rights for the payment of an invoice to a third party, this will either be clearly stated on the invoice rendered and/or may involve assignment by letter at a later stage to a third party.
3. Payment of costs can be made by cheque – payable to “J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership” or by BACS/CHAPS directly to the J.A.R.E. ATP bank account – Barclays Bank PLC, 21 Birmingham Road, Sutton Coldfield, B72 1PW. A/c No: 10547867 – Sort Code:20 84 13 A/c name: “J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership”. If any invoices are “Factored” then the payment details will be those advised to each institution by either JARE ATP and/or a Third Party “Factoring” Institution; in this case payment will be to another organisation where we have assigned the rights of collection of our invoice to the “Factor”.
4. Any college or institution staff development dates must be agreed in advance and at least 6 weeks before Assessment Day (unless agreed otherwise).
5. Once confirmed the Assessment Day(s)/Aviation Experience Sessions/Observation Days/Activity Days is/are guaranteed for that/those day(s) only – switches of Assessment Day(s)/Observation Days/Practical Activity Days are subject to availability & a charge of £725.00 for less than 4 weeks notice & £575.00 for 4+ weeks notice OR the amount invoiced whichever is lower. There are no refunds available at any time for cancellations or if student numbers drop below the levels agreed and paid for; agreement between J.A.R.E. ATP and a college to provide support and services for programmes does not infer that any type of funding will be available to a specific college or institution.
It is the responsibility of all colleges or institutions to satisfy themselves that the programmes are viable and what funding they can achieve; the relevant awarding body can offer advice on this if required.
Cancellations include those where a college/school closes and/or deems it unable to attend a day due to bad weather – usually in these circumstances instead of charging the whole cost again we will accept the switch fee above of £250.00 + VAT as the most appropriate action for another day.
Deposits – where an Educational or other Institution pays a deposit to secure a date(s) and/or provision this is used towards the final provision costs when finally confirmed in terms of student numbers and provision type. The deposit is non-refundable whether an educational or other institution makes a subsequent cancellation or wishes to change a date; such deposit may be used towards future provision if this is a greater overall value at the discretion of JARE ATP and bearing in mind any loss of income from the date cancelled.
If the chosen date cannot be re-sold to another institution or there is less than 1 months notice then the standing value of £575.00 for any date will be applied against any deposit held and any subsequent balance resulting may be used towards an alternative date.
Our minimum Assessment Day/Observation Day/Practical Activity Day/Aviation Experience student numbers for invoicing for 2011-12 are 16 students for Level 1 and Level 2 short programmes (15-60glh) and for Level 2 CORE programmes (up to 160glh) – however colleges may have groups of whatever size BELOW 20 (or 16) that they deem appropriate – JARE ATP will not normally consider running an Assessment Day/Observation Days/Activity Days/Aviation Experience Sessions for less than 6 students.
The normal Maximum for each Assessment Day/Observation Days/Practical Activity Days/Aviation Experience is usually 28 students unless otherwise agreed in writing; over this number will require two or more Assessment Days/Observation Days/Activity Days/Aviation Experience i.e. 32 students will require 2 Assessment Days; in these circumstances we would consider our minimum invoicing as lower and will liaise with each college and their own particular circumstances.
It is ALWAYS the responsibility of the relevant college to control their retention rates and if numbers drop down lower the dates will still remain i.e. JARE ATP cannot entertain any refunds – the number of students declared to the Awarding Body and/or JARE ATP Limited from the outset will always be the determining factor.
Cancellation JARE ATP Limited – we will do everything in our power to provide the services, products and programmes we contract for – all our activities are subject availability on each day and are never guaranteed especially due to circumstances beyond our control or any force majeure. In the event of the JARE ATP Centre being closed for whatever reason we will offer a FREE switch to another date.
At our B737 Centre, because the aircraft is outside on the ramp certain activities i.e. slide/overwing/crash scenarios etc., are subject to weather conditions i.e. rain, snow, frost, wind etc., and may not be available as these adverse weather conditions are outside our direct control – we will try and offer alternatives where possible if certain activities are not possible on a specific day.
6. Assessment Days/Observation Days/Practical Activity Days/Aviation Experience Sessions all need to be completed at the JARE ATP Boeing B737 Aviation & Training Centre; we do not offer a service on an Institution’s own Campus due to our specialist facilities at our own Centre at Bournemouth International Airport.
7. All Awarding Body fees including Approved Centre Status and Certification Fees are the sole responsibility of the college or institution. J.A.R.E. ATP will assist if required to liaise with a relevant awarding body. The exact costs must be ascertained by each college and/or institution with the relevant awarding body as their charges are reviewed annually and any costs that J.A.R.E. ATP advertises must not be relied on although we will endeavour to be accurate as possible – we cannot therefore accept any responsibility regarding relevant awarding body charges at any time.
8. J.A.R.E. ATP will assist at all times in providing the programmes from the initial production of Learning materials through to certification and liaising (if required) with the awarding body(ies) to ensure final certification – this might be MODULAR/UNITISED if a student has not reached the required level, or submissions and/or work is incomplete of fails to meet the criteria for the Awarding Body.
Moderation Requests can be handled by JARE ATP – usually there is a 3-6 month period between the completion of a programme(s) and then the moderation and eventual certification. All requestes from colleges for moderation to JARE ATP are handled in a strict order of receipt, usually there will be a delay between moderation requests and the onward transmission of the chosen sample of student portfolios to the relevant awarding body for moderation, at least 3-6 months should be allowed for this.
During the busy Moderation months of March to July especially there will inevitably be delays for completion and certification.
Any student portfolios that college require back will require the postage paying in full prior to the student portfolios being returned (we only charge the standard cost + £5.00 handling) – only student work will be returned – the sample of student work sent to Ascentis will be returned directly by the relevant awarding body to the college concerned together with the certificate and Moderation Report – a copy of the Moderation Report(s) must be sent to JARE ATP.
9. J.A.R.E. ATP will assist in any way to help students who need specific help to attain their certification, however the college or institution is at all times in total control of the programme(s).
10. It is the intention that colleges or institutions who enter into these agreements with J.A.R.E. ATP do so within the spirit and letter of the scheme provided and that student numbers accurately reflect the current numbers being taught on the programmes and that it is the responsibility of each college or institution to control and monitor its own student retention rate with integrity.
11. The payment of J.A.R.E. ATP invoices covers all the learning materials, tutor manuals, induction sessions and tutor support which should lead to a final assessment day (or Observation Days/Activity Days) for each cohort of students registered. All the learning materials, CD ROMs, exemplar portfolios, tutor materials etc., remain the property of JARE ATP and can only be use ONCE for each agreed Assessment Day/Observation Days/Activity Days and only within the current academic year, together with a college or institution certified list of students ON PROGRAMME and/or being put forward for assessment. NO MATERIALS CAN BE USED in current or future sessions for EXTRA or ADDITIONAL Assessment Days/Observation Days/Activity Days without the permission of JARE ATP and our copyright exists for ALL the above items, they must not be copied, stored by any means or copied and/or adapted for other uses. Where JARE ATP is not requested to run the programmes and/or Assessment Days/Observation Days/Activity Days a special LICENCE FEE must be negotiated by each END USER institution with JARE ATP, all materials and CD’s etc., belong to JARE ATP for ALL awarding bodies represented and those where adaptations have taken place without our permission.
ALL costs for sending out JARE ATP or other items, to institutions or student/individuals by ANY means are charged to the institution concerned or individual student at a cost to be agreed – none of our products includes carriage unless otherwise stated and/or agreed; please ask for details applicable to your own situation.
Any college or institution found to be using JARE ATP materials for airline programmes in any format for any purpose not agreed or without our express permission will be INVOICED a standard Licence Fee with a minimum cost of £2,500.00 accordingly and we will protect all our materials and copyrights by way of civil proceedings if necessary.
12. Where a college has accepted materials for introductory purposes from JARE ATP for airline programmes and/or had an introductory visit from JARE ATP where resource materials and learning materials inc. CD ROM’s are left with a college or institution JARE ATP then become the introducer. Any programmes run by the college or institution of an airline nature will be an indication that the college or institution wishes to avail itself of JARE ATP services and whether JARE ATP produces the materials themselves or they are prepared from materials given to the college or institution a FEE will become payable on the current JARE ATP scales or specially negotiated LICENCE FEE whether or not JARE ATP completes an Assessment Day or not. The sending of materials and the accepting of them does not constitute an offer of FREE USE by the college or institution accepting from JARE ATP and there will always be costs incurred for the use of JARE ATP materials.
It still remains strictly forbidden for colleges to use JARE ATP materials, CD’s etc., without the express permission of JARE ATP and a fee being paid where the college or institution subsequently runs airline programmes either immediately, in the future or after JARE ATP has previously run airline programmes and Assessment Days with JARE ATP materials.
JARE ATP liaises regularly with a wide range of awarding bodies checking on colleges and institutions running airline programmes and whether they have used JARE ATP copyright written materials or not – where it has been found that colleges or institutions have infringed JARE ATP copyrights without permission, civil action may be taken against the offending institution or college; candidates presenting evidence using JARE ATP produced materials, whose college or institution is not authorise by JARE ATP could also invalidate their awards.
13. The extra costs for resources including – special “self test” books, airline equipment, JARE ATP completion certificates & specific lapel badges and other specific resources are not covered by programmes booked and will incur additional costs for hire and/or sale of specific airline resources, equipment, seating, certificates, lapel badges and materials. Any extra on-site college visits for student &/or tutor development are charged extra at standard rates.
14. VAT – all J.A.R.E. ATP services are either, ZERO, EXEMPT or STANDARD rated for Value Added Tax – our invoices will show how items are rated for VAT – our VAT number is: GB 817 4846 05.
15. Observation Days/Practical Activity Days/Work Experience/Other Provision – it is at JARE ATP’s sole discretion on each day which students may attend the completion of their programme, particularly where the required work has not been completed and/or completed satisfactorily. Additionally JARE ATP reserve the right to ask any student to leave the programme who in their sole opinion believes that a particular student does not abide by the laid down code of conduct, refuses to complete a requested task, does not abide by the required Controlled Conditions and/or whose behaviour could cause a disruption to the rest of the group or a member of the JARE ATP team at that time.
Additionally where a college has not paid the required sums to JARE ATP in the prescribed manner or invoices for current or previous work remain outstanding then JARE ATP has the sole right to abandon the Assessment Day/Observation Days/Activity Days(s)/Activity Day(s) in question including on the relevant day.
Any tutors present at the Assessment Day/Observation Days/Practical Activity Days must respond and comply to any reasonable requests from JARE ATP regarding student work, welfare, behaviour and photocopying of items as required on the Assessment Day – the latter to paid for by the relevant college.
At all times the college and their employees will strive to help JARE ATP staff and make available facilities inc. provision of car parking, opening of college rooms for the Assessment Day(s)/Observation Days/Activity Days and the provision of materials required for all work needed; in addition tutors responsible for cohorts of students will ensure that ALL student work requested by JARE ATP for each Assessment Day/Observation Days/Activity Days is available in its entirety during the set-up period and that NO student will be allowed to retain their work or take it home when required by JARE ATP for assessment purposes.
JARE ATP staff will always be 100% in control of any Observation/Activity Day/Work Experience/Other Provision and students must comply with all JARE ATP staff instructions and requests.
Any student and/or tutor comments, observations, problems or complaints MUST be brought up by the END of each Assessment Day/Session and no subsequent discussions will be entered into at a later time. Each student will be asked to complete a Post Couse Questionnaire and sign a Post Course Assessment sheet at the end of each programme and discuss ALL matters about the programme and their feedback at that time; the student signature confirms agreement of the assessment and their satisfaction of the completion of their programme.
Likewise the JARE ATP Assessor signature on a student Post Course Assessment sheet also signifies that the feedback given and agreed between the student and assessor will form the basis of the students work being put forward for external moderation by JARE ATP on the basis discussed, any further work discussed and required to complete the programme will be required prior to final external accreditation by the relevant awarding body.
Where other JARE ATP feedback/questionnaires/evaluation forms are used these are on an open basis and comments contained therein may be used by JARE ATP at any time without any consent needed by the student(s) and/or college concerned and remain the property of JARE ATP.
JARE ATP personnel also have the right to clarify and question any student response on any feedback/questionnaire/evaluation form JARE ATP have supplied.
The award of a JARE ATP Completion Certificate and/or JARE ATP Aviation Lapel Badge is at the discretion of JARE ATP only and they alone have the right to refuse any award if in their sole opinion any participant(s) concerned has not demonstrated the attributes required or has fallen below the required standards of behaviour necessary. The same applies to the release of any photographs taken by JARE ATP via a CD ROM.
The completion of all tasks, and fully completed, relevant Post Course and Programme Questionnaire(s), are required prior to the issue of any Aviation Lapel Badge and/or JARE ATP Completion Certificate – there will be no discretion regarding these matter and students and/or their tutors must fully comply and the name, date and college must be clearly recorded on each document completed.
ALL Observation Days/Work Experience/Other Provision take place at the JARE ATP Boeing B737 Aviation & Training Centre and these facilities are included in the fees payable.
Boeing B737 Aviation & Training Centre – please note that our B737 Trainer Aircraft is situated outside and therefore South Coast weather conditions will prevail and we will endeavour to operate all scheduled activities as requested; however in bad weather activities such as Overwing Exit and wing evacuation, Evacuation Slide Descent and similar may not be practical to undertake and an alternative may be offered.
The B737 Trainer aircraft has minimum heating/cooling – therefore in the winter the aircraft may be cool and in the summer hot so students should dress accordingly and within the criteria we have requested.
16. Moderation Reports – part of the agreement between and college (or school) and JARE ATP includes the right for JARE ATP to be given access to copies of any Moderation and/or External Verification from the relevant Awarding Body – a signed letter from the college (or school) addressed to the relevant awarding body must be sent both to the awarding body and a copy to JARE ATP for each cohort of students.
Without this letter of authority JARE ATP reserve the right to withhold student work from the awarding body until such authorisation is complete.
The main purpose of this provision is for the monitoring of Quality Standards and as JARE ATP is an ISO 9001:2015 registered organisation it is a regulatory requirement from the awarding body LRQA that this authorisation is obtained so that any EV/Moderator feedback can be acted on by JARE ATP.
17. Invoices for SALES or aviation equipment, mock-up cabin and training devices are payable in advance and/or by the due date on each invoice – late payment could incur extra costs and interest.
18. SALES of airline & airport equipment, Mock-up Cabins and Check-in Equipment training devices and aircraft seating etc., – all the items JARE ATP generally sells are USED, As Removed from the aircraft, unserviceable and/or scrap airline/airport equipment and seating etc., and all sales are on an “as is” basis – generally items are cleaned and trolley’s serviced to operate effectively. Although we cannot guarantee any specific type of ex-airline equipment we will try to match what equipment we have to the needs of each purchaser.
However JARE ATP does not offer any warranty on ANY ITEMS it sells as fit for its originally intended purpose(s) and no items sold by JARE ATP can be used in either an aircraft, airport or realistic work environment (at a school or college) apart from as DEMONSTRATION ONLY items, sole responsibility rests with each institution in satisfying themselves as to the fitness for use of each item at all times. We also cannot guarantee at any time specific items or type of aircraft stock and can only supply what we have available or what we can source from our suppliers.
Additionally it should not be assumed that any ex-airline items we supply/sell will not require work to make them effective to use including (but not solely) the condition of seating covers (passenger and crew seats), working of arm rests and seat recliners, cuts, tears and defects in covering of seating, overhead bins and stowage units, galleys, panels, window panels, SEP equipment and similar items.
ALL the aviation equipment we sell on to third parties (i.e. schools/colleges etc.) is ex-airline scrap or unserviceable equipment and we give no warranty on its use or suitability – all items purchased should be fully checked and on SEP equipment markings should be made that these items are for DEMONSTRATION only and not to be used for any type of emergency use at all.
It should also be remembered that life jackets and similar items may have an unused gas cylinder still in situ, likewise for Oxygen and BCF cylinders there may be unused product still contained within them, Smoke hoods and similar will usually be sealed and out of date but may also have chemicals within them which need careful handling – we recommend that all ex-airline equipment is checked and any H&S issues are resolved by removing old “active” ingredients/chemicals/gases etc., storage of these items may also be important.
We do not sell ANY aviation equipment for other than demonstration purposes and purchasers have the sole responsibility for ensuring their safety at all times – ALL our supplied items are marked on Invoices and Delivery Notes as SCRAP and/or U/S ex-airline equipment and no warranty is ever implied to them being in satisfactory condition for any type of use.
All quotations for aircraft and similar stock are guaranteed on a 30 day price basis only and after this time we will always re-quote, we cannot guarantee at any time items being available after the 30 days period OR at a similar price although we will always endeavour to do our best in this regard.
There are no refunds or re-purchase schemes available at any time to any purchaser once the sale of goods has been agreed – all invoices for these goods rendered by JARE ATP are payable IMMEDIATELY and in FULL and in advance of delivery. In certain circumstances because all our items move so quickly we cannot guarantee ANY STOCK ITEMS until a FULL payment has been made – we will store items for up to three months free of charge.
There is a set scale of charges for delivery of items when delivered by JARE ATP – this usually ranges from a minimum of £250.00 + VAT to up to a maximum of whatever the economic cost (this may include congestion/environmental charges made by any relevant Council as well as ferry and other transport costs including road tolls) + VAT; however for colleges at a distance of over 100 miles from our Centre higher delivery charges will apply; all items are sent by courier and therefore charges are based on size and weight and will be quoted individually.
For Mock-up Cabins, Check-in Area and other aviation installations we offer a comprehensive package from quotation to Risk Assessment, H&S, Method Statements etc., and each mock-up is uniquely designed for each institution to their specific need.
PAYMENTS – for sales of aviation equipment and Mock-up Cabin, Check-in Area etc., is on the minimum basis of PAYMENT IN FULL with ORDER for aviation equipment and a minimum 50% PAYMENT WITH ORDER for Mock-up Cabins and other training devices, folloowe by 25% payment of date of shipment to an Institution and finally 25% payment of last day of scheduled installation – JARE ATP does not accept any retentions of any kind – a final Delivery Note will need to be signed at the end of an installation by a ‘responsible person’ of the Insitution concerned.
19. Educational Publishing Services – these services are offered to colleges who wish to use the pre-prepared learning learning materials devised by JARE ATP for a range of airline & airport programmes but who wish to offer the Assessment activities at their own centre. All materials are supplied on the basis that they will not be copied and the order represents the FULL number of students registered with the relevant Awarding Body. Each year materials will be available and updated accordingly at the appropriate price; it is strictly forbidden to use previous years materials for a subsequent year without paying the appropriate costs in full. In addition to the materials, included in the total cost, is a FREE Tutor Development/Induction half day at the JARE ATP Centre (a cost applies if this is required at a college site) together with Tutor Manuals and CD ROM support and advice. Exemplar portfolios may also available within the cost together with a monitoring service if required.
20. Samples of student’s work will be requested in advance of an Assessment Day via a Monitoring Letter and College Monitoring Form to check how the programme(s) is/are progressing and JARE ATP will offer help and advice – it is incumbant on an institution to get the sample back to JARE ATP within the timeframe specified. JARE ATP reserve the right to suspend an Assessment Day(s) if the requested sample is not returned and/or forthcoming.
21. Countdown to Assessment Day/Practical Activity Day/Work Experience/Aviation Experience/UPS/Other Provision – JARE ATP will send out between 7-10 days before a scheduled Assessment Day a letter entitled “upcoming Assessment Day/Practical Activity Day” – this details the final details to help the Assessment Day run smoothly; it is vital that institutions comply with this letter and confirm to JARE ATP that everything is in order – in particular it is vital that JARE ATP have a complete a accurate list of students attending the Assessment Day well before the day itself.
Incorrect names supplied to JARE ATP by an institution for any programme which then causes a mistake on any Completion Certificate(s) JARE ATP issue will be charged at £7.50 per student for a replacement certificate to be issued + postage of £2.50 – both + VAT – all requests must be sent in writing to JARE ATP.
22. Airline/Airport Practical Activity Days/Aviation Experience/B737 Experience Sessions – it is at JARE ATP’s sole discretion on each day which students may attend the practical parts their programme, particularly with regard to the contents of the Health Assessment Questionnaire which each student will be asked to complete prior to their attendance. Additionally JARE ATP reserve the right to ask any student to leave the programme who in their sole opinion believes that a particular student does not abide by the laid down code of conduct, refuses to complete a requested task, does not abide by the required Controlled Conditions and/or whose behaviour could cause a disruption to the rest of the group or a member of the JARE ATP team at that time.
JARE ATP staff will always be 100% in control of any Assessment/Activity Day and students must comply with all JARE ATP staff instructions and requests.
Additionally ALL practical activities are subject to availability and JARE ATP cannot guarantee that the activities requested will be available on the chosen date(s) in question although JARE ATP will use its best efforts to ensure each chosen practical activity is available wherever possible.
Students and all participants are required to wear the Overalls or High Visibility Jackets supplied throughout their sessions and wear soft soled shoes, JARE ATP will make any decisions regarding appropriate clothing, earrings, hats and scarves are not permitted due to health & safety reasons.
All JARE ATP equipment must be respected by all participants using it and all breakages and damage must be paid for in full if items are damaged or broken during any session.
Because of the popularity of our programmes all invoices for Airline/Airport Practical Activity Days/Aviation Experience sessions are raised on a Pro Forma Invoice basis and must be paid in full immediately and once booked cannot be cancelled or switched unless a switch fee detailed below is paid; there is no refund available for non-attendance or cancellation at any time. Any reduction in student numbers will not be reflected by JARE ATP reducing their invoice at any time; once agreed and invoiced for ALL invoices must be paid in FULL and no reduced invoice will be considered at any time. Once booked an Airline &/or Airport Practical Activity/Aviation Experience date(s) cannot be cancelled for any reason and our invoice must be paid in full whether an institution proceeds or not, it is the responsibility of all institutions to obtain the appropriate authority to book a date with JARE ATP and to obtain a relevant Official Purchase Order Number which is always due whatever the circumstances.
Late payment of our invoice(s) by contracted institutions could result in the loss of a booked date – however we would not wish to prejudice student involvement due to an institution not paying for the requested services and we will do whatever we can to proceed with pre-booked dates subject to reasonable payment terms being agreed when institutions are in default of our payment terms with JARE ATP.
There is a switch fee of £125.00 with more than 4 weeks notice and £250.00 for less than 4 weeks notice if an agreed date has to be switched by the institution or organiser for the Airline/Airport Practical Activity Day date originally chosen. As indicated above if a college/school cancels a date due to bad weather or similar JARE ATP will usually accept a switch fee of £250.00 + VAT instead of the full cost for another later date.
Students may be added to a cohort before any date with 48 hours notice, the payment for each additional place must be paid in advance or on the day in CASH only, non-shows on the day will not be considered and full payment must be made. Colleges/Schools must advise JARE ATP of any extra student names BEFORE their chosen date.
No substitutions of students can be made without the permission of JARE ATP from a submitted institution’s list.
All Airline & Airport Practical Activity Days/Aviation Experience sessions come with Pre-prepared materials for tutors to use at institutions prior to an Activity Day to prepare students for the relevant activities which have been chosen in advance and to also match with any relevant airline or airport programme a student is currently studying.
In essence it is the purchase of the materials with a practical day which each institution is purchasing from JARE ATP.
Boeing B737 Aviation &* Training Centre – Please note that our B737 Trainer Aircraft is situated outside and therefore South Coast weather conditions will prevail and we will endeavour to operate all scheduled activities as requested; however in bad weather activities such as Overwing Exit and wing evacuation, Evacuation Slide Descent and similar may not be practical to undertake and an alternative may be offered.
The B737 Trainer aircraft has minimum heating/cooling – therefore in the winter the aircraft may be cool and in the summer hot so student should dress accordingly and within the criteria we have requested.
23. Photography/Video recordings – JARE ATP reserves the right to photograph/record/video ALL students on an Airline or Airport Practical Activity Day/B737 Experience/Assessment/Observation Days/Work Experience/Other Provision or any other programme at any time and the images remain the sole property of JARE ATP including the copyright and may use the materials in any way it deems fit i.e. for Health & Safety, Marketing, Verification etc., without permission or recourse to any institution or individual.
JARE ATP may send a copy of all photographs or video to the relevant institution at its discretion on a complimentary CD ROM and/or DVD.
Any institution may take photographs and/or a video of their students during an Assessment/Activity Day/Work Experience/Other Provision with the express permission of JARE ATP. Any other student and/or tutor audio or video recordings by any means are strictly prohibited at any time whilst on JARE ATP premises and all mobile phones, electronic and/or recording equipment etc., must be switched off at ALL times and not brought into any JARE ATP classroom and/or training facilities.
24. Certificates – completion certificates are awarded at the end of aviation programmes and training sessions; for Overseas students a charge is made depending on where the provision is based.
LOST CERTIFICATES – if a certiticate is lost then a charge applies, in the UK the cost is £25.00 per certificate, for Overseas students the cost is £50.00 per certificate, if certificates need to be sent out, rather than an issue of a digital certificate, then the cost is whatever the charge is levied by a reputable courier service on top of the basic charge.
INCORRECT NAMES – if a certificate has an incorrect name supplied by the relevant institution then the LOST CERTIFICATE charge applies, likewise if there is a change of name the same charges apply; where it is a JARE ATP error then JARE ATP will replace the certificate free of charge in the UK and DIGITALLY only for Overseas students
ALL charges for lost certificate or incorrectly named certificates need to have the charge paid in ADVANCE prior to the replacement certificate being produced and sent out.
For both UK and Overseas students all claims for a replacement certificate will need to be checked and verified via the Institution involved and students should either ask their Institution to contact JARE ATP to confirm the details or JARE ATP will do this for a charge of £10.00 per certificate.
25. Health, Safety and Hygiene – JARE ATP premises and a 400 metre zone around our demise is NON-SMOKING. No students or their tutors/teachers are permitted to smoke at any time before, during or after a session until outside the 400 metre zone. JARE ATP reserve to exclude anyone from a session if this rule is violated and it could prejudice the entire session for all students.
Specifically it is requested that tutors and staff do not permit any students or themselves to smoke when they disembark or alight from their transport.
No food or drink may be brought onto JARE ATP premises without permission and no food may be eaten in any JARE ATP training area including mock-up cabins, lounges or during JARE ATP IFS cabin service.
All food JARE ATP supplies for IFS and/or Lounge Snack Lunch Service is on a complimentary basis.
26.These terms & conditions may be altered or added to at any time & J.A.R.E. ATP accepts no liability for any errors, exceptions or omissions howsoever caused – will we however take all reasonable steps to ensure their accuracy.
J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership
Standard Terms and Conditions – applicable to HIRE of B737 Trainer and Classroom facilities
1. All HIRE booked for the B737 and/or classroom between an institution and J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership (J.A.R.E. ATP) are subject to these terms and conditions.
2. All costs agreed must be paid immediately in full & promptly on the due dates on all invoices, usually via a Pro Forma Invoice, to secure the date(s) chosen – late payment may result in penalty interest charged at 3% over Barclays Bank plc base rate. ALL charges are PLUS VAT.
3. Payment of costs can be made by cheque – payable to “J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership” or by BACS/CHAPS directly to the J.A.R.E. ATP bank account – Barclays Bank PLC, 21 Birmingham Road, Sutton Coldfield, B72 1PW. A/c No: 10547867 – Sort Code:20 84 13 A/c name: “J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership”.
4. Once a date(s) is confirmed the Day(s) is/are guaranteed for that/those day(s) only – any switches of Day(s) are subject to availability & a charge of £250.00 for less than 4 weeks notice & £125.00 for 4+ weeks notice all PLUS VAT. There are no refunds available at any time for cancellations or where numbers for a planned event/HIRE drop below the levels agreed/envisaged and/or any other reasons and the amount paid and/or invoiced for in advance will still be due in full.
5. These terms & conditions may be altered or added to at any time & J.A.R.E. ATP accepts no liability for any errors, exceptions or omissions howsoever caused – will we however take all reasonable steps to ensure their accuracy.
J.A.R.E. Airline Training Partnership
Standard Terms and Conditions – applicable to individual students inc. Overseas students
We only take Overseas students via specific Overseas Institutions.
1. These terms & conditions may be altered or added to at any time & J.A.R.E. ATP accepts no liability for any errors, exceptions or omissions howsoever caused – will we however take all reasonable steps to ensure their accuracy.
2. All individual students who wish to complete a JARE ATP supported programme can chose from the following – Air Cabin Crew, Airline Customer Service Agents and Principles of Aviation 1st Aid at Levels 1 and 2 and other related programmes i.e. Airline Interview Techniques, Airline Food Hygiene, Health & Safety, Airline Grooming Appearance & Lifestyle, Airline Baggage Handlers, Airline & Airport Careers and Airline Welcome! will be subject to an enrolment procedure.
There are also other schemes via a range of awarding bodies with our UK partner associates.
ALL progrqammes are in ENGLISH ONLY.
We only take direct students over the age of 19 years at time of enrolment and from Overseas.
3. Enrolment will usually include:-
a. Student Application Form and Registration
b. Mature Student Reference Form
c. Confirmation of English proficiency via results from IELTS, TOEFL, GMAT or other recognised and a student’s results at First and second attempts – a minimum IELTS Level 5.0 will be needed, Cambridge PET Pitman Intermediate or equivalent
d. Supporting documents inc: i. passport copy inc. photograph page, most recent Visa Entry page, ii. Educational Certificates
e. Overseas Student Form
4. All programmes on the Overseas student programmes are at our Boeing B737 Aviation & Training Centre at Bournemouth International Airport for the UK ONLY option.
We also offer a unique Overseas ONLY option – for this JARE ATP need to vet the Overseas Institution Centre, Faculty and supply the tutor training and student learning materials – there are charges applying to the required INITIAL Overseas visit as well as regular checks at least ANNUALLY.
There is also an Annual Centre Registration Fee payable of usually £500.00 per annum per Centre.
ALL Overseas provision needs to be 100% verified in the UK by JARE ATP – the cost of sending on the materials is the responsibility of the Overseas Institution.
5. JARE ATP does not provide accommodation but can assist in locating suitable accommodation from “Family” type accommodation through to Bed & Breakfast and Full Hotel type accommodation.
6. Transport to and from the JARE ATP Centre is the responsibility of each student
7. Delivery of all materials is charged to the student concerned – the cost is not included in the price of the materials apart from the UK Mainland – please ask for the cost for your own situation.
The same applies to Overseas Institutions.
8. JARE ATP has specialist tutors to help with English when spoken as a Second Other Language and help is available
9. All Overseas students need to pay a deposit for each programme undertaken once accepted and we will provide a letter of acceptance on the programme or programmes selected (we can also offer advice on programme selection) – this is up to a maximum sum of £500.00 per student (£50.00 per programme) – once received if your application is successful we will provide each student with:-
a. Letter to take the the student’s High Commission to obtain the necessary entry Visa to the United Kingdom
b. Letter to show at the UK Airport at point of entry to the UK
When students are from an Overseas Institutions other payment terms may apply – students should refer to their own Overseas Institution.
10. Should a student be refused an entry Visa to the UK for their programmes JARE ATP will refund up to 90% of the deposit sum paid for the UK tuition part of their programme.
When through an Overseas Institution other terms and conditions may apply – via our “Combi” scheme where students start some of their programmes in their HOME country no refund is applicable to that part of their programme.
11. Overseas Institutions – JARE ATP works with a variety of Overseas Institutions via agreeing a standard Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) – an integral part of the MOU is that JARE ATP are in total control of the following (this is only a small selection of issues within each MOU:-
a. JARE ATP is in control of all quality assurance issues
b. JARE ATP are the Approved Assessment Centre
c. All Overseas Institutions must have their tutors/trainer trained by JARE ATP
d. JARE ATP approves each Overseas Institutions Centre premises, Faculty and teaching of Tutors
e. JARE ATP regularly visits Overseas Institutions to monitor student, tutor and institutions for quality assurance purposes, audits and enrolment procedures
f. Fees must be paid promptly by Institutions and Students
Overseas Institutions interested in working with JARE ATP should contact Andrew N.S.Easton, JARE ATP Founding Director – via e-mail: anse@jare-atp.co.uk or phone 01202 582354.